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Close Air Support Controlling

 » Overview

You have moved out, away from your attached infantry company, and set up an observation post to watch for enemy movements. Suddenly, you spot a contact, and a request for close air support comes in on the net. Now, you need to control the attack craft onto the enemy.

Depending on the situation, three types of close air support are possible: Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3.


A Type 1 control is used when the FAC is able to visually acquire both the attacking starfighter and target. This method is strongly encouraged whenever possible, as it is the best means of reducing the risk of attack and fratricide to friendly forces.


A Type 2 control is used when the FAC requires control of individual attacks AND the FAC is not able to make visual contact with either the target or the attacking craft at weapons release.


A Type 3 control is used when the FAC requires the ability to provide clearance for multiple attacks within a single engagement AND the FAC is not able to make visual contact with either the target or the attacking craft at weapons release.

Over the next three sections, these control types will be explored in greater detail, with more detailed conditions on use, specific procedures, and example scenarios of these concepts being used in a battlefield setting.

Continue to "Type 1 Controlling"

Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps - Layout created by Drako and MAJ Robert Hogan